
Masters Fantasy Football Money Leagues


Masters Fantasy Football Money Leagues – Scoring Guidelines

All Masters Fantasy Football Money Leagues utilize the same scoring system. We score rushing and receiving yards .1 point per yard, and passing yardage by .04 points per yard. For example, 25 rushing yards or receiving yards equals 2.5 points, (.1 x 25 yards = 2.5 points) or 118 passing yards equals 4.72 points, (.04 x 118 = 4.72 points). This is equivalent to 10 rushing yards/receiving yards equals one point or 25 passing yards equals one point. We score by the yard in order to lessen the likelihood of a tie.

Scoring for all Masters Fantasy Football Money Leagues will be as follows:

*Scoring interpretations of ALL plays will be determined solely by Masters Fantasy Football.
Rules for Offense• & Kicker*
Passing TDs 4 points each
Passing Yards .04 points for every one yard
Passing 2 Pointers 2 points each
Rushing TDs 6 points each
Rushing Yards .1 point for every one yard
Rushing 2 Pointers 2 points each
Receiving TDs 6 points each
Receiving Yards .1 point for every one yard
Receptions 1 point for every 1
Receiving 2 Pointers 2 points each
Offensive Fumble Recoveries for a TD 6 points each
Length of Field Goal Made 0-30 yards = 3 points (Every additional yard is .1 point)
Extra Point 1 point each

Rules for Defense* & Special Teams*
Interceptions Caught 1 point each
Fumble Recovery 1 point each
Sacked a QB 1 point each
Safeties 2 points each
Total Points Allowed
(Note – these are scoreboard points – it makes no difference if some of the points are scored against the offense.)
Shutout = 10 points
1-10 pts = 6 points
11-20 pts - = 3 points
Total Net Yards Allowed Under 250=5 points
251-325=2 points
Defensive & Special Teams TDs 6 points each
Defensive Conversion Returns (Returned Extra Point) 2 points each
Offensive Safety (on Extra Point Attempt) 1 point each

Note: all special team TDs are scored for the DF/ST not the individual.

The NFL finalizes stats approximately 1 hour after the Monday night game. If the NFL makes any further changes after stats are finalized, Masters will NOT be changing any stats or scores.

It is possible to have a player score negative points. This is most common at the end of a game when a QB kneels down.

Masters Fantasy Football Money Leagues - LineUp Guidelines

Owners must start 1 QB, 1 RB, 1WR, 1 TE, 1 Team Kicker, 1 Team Defense. Then any combination of 3 more RBs, WRs and TEs – for a TOTAL of 9 Starters.

Owners can set starting players up until each game time. Once a game has started, all players involved in that game are frozen as starters or bench players.

Masters Fantasy Football Money Leagues - Highest Payout

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