These leagues are identical to all Master’s Email Leagues with the following exceptions:
- Each owner starts with 300 bidding bucks.
- Auction timer is set to 9 hours. Every time a new bid is placed, the timer resets to 9 hours. When the timer hits zero, the player is awarded to the highest bidder.
- Every owner can nominate 4 players (for a max of 48 players being nominated at one time). On day two, that changes to 4 players per owners (with a max of 36 players nominated at one time).
- The system uses proxy bidding, meaning a player can be nominated with a bid of $35. The system will start at $1. Every time a bid is placed, the price for that player will increase, but remain with the owner who nominated him. Once the bidding reaches $36, a new owner will take control of the player.
- You must have a complete starting lineup when the Auction is complete (including a team kicker and defense).